Speaking of Coteaux Bourguignons (see other news item yesterday) as a name for an appellation, the trend in recent years in France has rather been to get rid of words like “coteaux” and “côte”. Côtes du Ventoux and Côtes du Luberon is now Ventoux and Luberon, Coteaux du Languedoc is Languedoc, Coteaux Tricastin is Grignan-Les Adhémar (admittedly this change was also due to the presence of a nuclear facility). But still, my impression was that it was generally thought that “coteaux” and “côte” was not so easily understood outside of France.
On the other hand, Côtes du Rhône is doing well and Coteaux bourguignon undeniably makes you think of boeuf bourguignon which is, for most consumers, positive!