The resistant grape varieties are becoming more and more numerous in France. Or, at least, more and more varieties are being permitted. Recently, four new grapes have been given the green light:
- kersus
- pinot iskra
- pinot kors
- volturnis.
These varieties have already been planted since 2020 in Italy, Germany, and Switzerland. Just like for other resistant grapes, the permit is valid for ten years. Then, an evaluation follows.
Like all resistant grapes, these four are hybrids that have been crossed to obtain good or very good resistance to fungal diseases, especially downy mildew, powdery oidium and black rot. But no resistant grape can resist diseases 100%. A couple of sprayings are always required and with very heavy disease pressure, increased vigilance and supplementary spraying are required.
Kersus has a profile reminiscent of chardonnay with some notes of pinot gris. Pinot iskra gives high yields and is suitable for sparkling wines. Both pinot iskra and pinot kors are considered excellent grape varieties thanks to their good resistance, flavour profile, and productivity.
Read more: vitisphere