It is actually the 19th yearly edition of the Millesime Bio organic wine show that has just finished. Amazing that it has been going for almost 20 years.
Some numbers about the show: around 3600 visitors in 2012, which is 400 more than last year (+12%). 23% of the visitors are international (= not French). The biggest “countries” are Germany (14%), Scandinavia (14%), North America (meaning US+Cnd, 12%), Belgium (12%), which tallies fairly well where the biggest interest and growth markets for organic wine is, with the exception of the Netherlands that seem curiously missing in the visitor numbers.
There must have been well beyond 500 wine producers represented (460 stands but many were shared). 13 countries were represented.
2 Responses
Thanks for this Per.
I believe that the ‘natural wine’ idea, call it organic or call it artisanal or what you will is ‘Out of the closet’ and ready for a crossover to a broader mainstream.
That is the topic of my post yesterday:
Natural wine…evolution, revolution or a blip in time?
BTW…seriously considering coming over for RAW for a few days in May. Are you planning to attend. I’d love to sit down over a bottle and talk.
Lots of buzz around “natural” wine these days. Another way to look at it is that it is mainly a marketing gimmick that has had a fabulous impact. Far too much waffling and not enough substance and facts on “natural”.