In France, women buy the food and men the wine. Of course, with some generalization, but in La Vigne, we read of a survey conducted by the company SymphonyIRI showing that 55% of wine buyers in supermarkets are men. But the men do not buy food as often as they buy wine. Only 25% of food shopping is made by the men.
Other things that came up in the survey is that customers spend more time in the wine section of the store then in other sections and they read the wine label more carefully than other food labels. In addition, customers feel more insecure buying wines. Customers are seldom knowledgeable about wine, says the survey, but are very reluctant to admit it, especially the men. They are afraid of making bad purchases and to be seen as incompetent by their dinner guests.
The study also shows that wine buyers come to the shop with a clear idea of what food they are going to have with the wine. Maybe something for wine producers to consider when writing their labels.

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