In today’s tough competition, all wine producers must make every effort to keep customers and to win new ones. Not least is it important for the cooperatives. These are important for the French wine industry – they account for 50% of total production – but they have not had the best of reputations.
“Together, we are strong” could be the motto for Marques & Coop, an association of 12 French cooperatives with the ambition to offer good quality and affordable wines within their respective appellations. Together they represent 4000 growers and 30,000 hectares. They have set their own strict rules. “In our cellars, many talented winemakers start their career,” said Jacques Tranier from Vinovalie.
Members are:
- Celliers des Prince, the only co-operative in Châteauneuf-du-Pape,
- Chassenay d’Arce i Côte des Bar in southern Champagne,
- Estandon Vignerons in Provence,
- Loire Propriétés,
- Ortas Cave de Rasteau in southern Rhône Valley,
- Sieur d’Arques in Limoux,
- Les Vignerons de Tutiac in Bordeaux,
- Agamy in the area around Lyon,
- UDP Saint Emilion in Bordeaux,
- Union des Vignerons de l’Île de Beauté in Corsica,
- Vignerons Ardéchois in southern Rhône Valley and
- Vinovalie in the Southwest.
Coops with ambition!