Jeff Leve, of The Wine Cellar Insider, new contributor on BKWine Magazine

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We are very happy to introduce Jeff Leve as a new contributor to BKWine Magazine. Jeff Leve is founder and editor of The Wine Cellar Insider, a wine site focusing on Bordeaux wine, and also touching on the Rhone Valley and California.

Jeff Leve has travelled to the Bordeaux wine region to barrel taste over a dozen times. He usually goes there a few times each year. Each visit includes tastings at all the major properties and lasts between 2 to 3 weeks. Jeff produces tasting notes and Bordeaux commentaries like a vine grows in May, with an incredible energy and productivity. There are not many chateaux in Bordeaux that he has not tasted and visited (any?) and his tasting notes and comments are read and trusted by many around the world. Read more on Jeff and all of his articles on BKWine Magazine here: Jeff Leve in BKWine Magazine.

Chateau Nenin, Pomerol, Bordeaux
Chateau Nenin, Pomerol, Bordeaux, copyright BKWine Photography

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