“Social media” is a somewhat vague term, but one has to try and understand it. “Twitter” is a web service that became well known much thanks to the American presidential election. Obama twittered. I’m not sure if Mc Cain (was that his name?) twittered. Now BKWine too twitters. To twitter is to send short messages, not more than 140 characters. A bit like SMS, or texting on the phone. The difference is that anyone (or more precisely, any follower) can read the message. So now we’re twittering to our heart’s delight… About what we’re drinking for dinner. Where we’re travelling. What we’re writing about just now. And so on. If by any chance you’d be interested in that. And perhaps one day we’ll figure out what it’s good for. If you want to listen to our twittering we’re here: https://twitter.com/bkwineper. And you do have to try and figure it out, don’t you?