Be inspired by pictures and videos from the winter wine tours to the southern hemisphere

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Now when travel is restricted, some inspiration:

In winter we have three lovely long-distance tours to wine countries in the southern hemisphere: Chile, Argentina, South Africa and New Zealand. It is so nice to get away from the cold and dark winter.

But more importantly, these are four wine countries that are really charming. Different cultures, beautiful landscapes, good food. And above all, fantastic, delicious and exciting wines.

We have taken the habit of sharing photos and videos from the visits on these trips on Facebook. But also sharing much else from the journeys too, eg. the trip across the Andes going up to 3,000 meters (9,000 ft) from Mendoza to Chile, or the boat ride on the glacier lake in the shadow of Mount Cook in New Zealand and much more.

Are you curious about these tours, or just curious about what these wine countries look like, then you can find all our pictures and videos on these Facebook pages. Click “join” and you will also get all updates:

Vineyards in Central Otago, New Zealand
Vineyards in Central Otago, New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography
Vast beautiful landscape in Chile, South America
Vast beautiful landscape in Chile, South America, copyright BKWine Photography
A great meal coming at Springfontein Wines, South Africa
A great meal coming at Springfontein Wines, South Africa, copyright BKWine Photography

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