Innovative port wine producers find new customers

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All wine regions need new customers. But global consumption is shrinking and if the global wine consumption continues to fall, consumers will become fewer and fewer. I just returned back home after 10 days in the Douro Valley and I tasted fabulous ports.

Port wine has gone through some difficulties in recent years. People do not drink sweet, fortified wines as often as they used to. Port wine producers know that they must find new consumer groups and inspire people to drink port in other ways. They have always been skilled marketers. The big port wine house Sandeman launched its symbol – the dramatic man with the black cape and wide-brimmed hat – in 1926. It still today has a very high recognition factor throughout the world.

A few years ago, rosé port was launched, a style of port that did not exist before. They wanted to take advantage of the success that rosé wines have worldwide and reach new customers. Rosé port was launched not only as a port among others but also as an ingredient in cocktails. It is delicious to blend with gin, lemon, and a splash of tonic.

Experiments in the USA have shown that simple things can make younger consumers appreciate port more and remove its somewhat old-fashioned image. Serve the ports in regular wine glasses instead of the small traditional port glasses and serve them at a cool temperature. Simple ways to make port more popular.

View over the vineyards from Quinta da Gaivosa
View over the vineyards from Quinta da Gaivosa, copyright BKWine Photography
Rosé port made into a ”port tonic” at Quinta do Tedo, Douro Valley, Portugal
Rosé port made into a ”port tonic” at Quinta do Tedo, Douro Valley, Portugal, copyright BKWine Photography

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