Honey from Champagne, doesn’t it sound delicious? Now this delicacy exists. Well-known Champagne AR Lenoble will release in in September its third vintage of honey from the village of Chouilly. AR Lenoble works environmentally friendly and sees beekeeping as part of having a living environment around their vineyards. The small Champagne house has the environmental certificate Haute Valeur Environnementale (HVE), awarded by the French Ministry of Agriculture.
AR Lenoble owns 10 hectares in the village of Chouilly and they have planted trees and flowers here and there in the vineyard. The hives were installed in 2014 and they now provide, for the third year, a small amount of honey. In the future, they should be able to make 160 pots of honey. This year’s honey was harvested during the last week of August. Read more about Champagne AR Lenoble’s honey: champagne-arlenoble.com.
We just hope that they don’t start calling it “Champagne Honey”. A French company making patés was recently in a pinch with their “foie gras au champagne”. The recipe did contain the bubbly wine but the Champagne producers’ organisation, CIVC, did not like it and too them to court for using the name champagne on the packaging. The paté people lost and were fined.
We can’t guarantee you honey but there will certainly be plenty of champagne on the wine tour.