Hard winter killed vines in the Rhône Valley

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This winter was harsh in many parts of France. The vines can handle quite cold temperatures in winter time and it is rare that it gets so cold in France that they do not survive. But now, announces La Vigne, the producers in the Côte-du-Rhone have established that 20 million vines froze to death last winter. This corresponds to a total of approximately 5000 hectares as the planting density is around 4000 plants per hectare. It is an area as big as Chablis so it is quite substantial.

41% of the vines were over 50 years old and it was mainly grenache that was affected.

Hopefully they will replant with grenache as well. Grenache is a wonderful grape variety, extremely well suited for the southern Rhône Valley (well, except for cold winters, but hopefully this winter was not the start of a new trend).

Winter in the Rhone Valley
Winter in the Rhone Valley, copyright BKWine Photography

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