Half a million hectares of vineyard land for sale

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If you are really aiming to be a volume producer this might be your chance. 989,000 acres, around half a million hectares, of land is for sale in Argentina. It is claimed that it is the biggest patch (patch?) of land ever for sale, but can that really be true? Were not some of the US states incorporated into the nation through sales for example? If you would like to start a vineyard half of the land is suitable for vines. However, nothing has been grown there for 25 years. There is plenty of water: two rivers flow through the region. The price asked is around 7 million euros. Sounds like a steal. That sum will barely buy you ten hectares in a good appellation in Bordeaux… Read more DailyMail.co.uk

Vast expanse
Vast expanse, copyright BKWine Photography

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