It is not every day one can enjoy a wealth of Austrian wines in Paris. It’s a pity. I’ve been to Austria several times and the wines I have tasted are fantastic. Outstanding whites and reds that are not so well know, from not so well-known indigenous varieties, that are also making great headway. And also luscious sweet ones. But what I personally like the best are the very fresh, stringent, mineral vibrating dry whites, grüner veltliner of course but also riesling and others.

Not often I get to enjoy those in Paris, but I did this Monday. The Austrian wine marketing board was in town, headed by the Austrian wine guru Willi Klinger, who brought with him some 30 wine producers each with plenty of delicious wines. A pity one could not taste them all. You will hear more of the small fraction that we managed to taste later.
Here I just wanted to share with you the press conference where Willi Klinger in fabulous French (very impressive!) gave the assembled French wine press the essentials of Austrian wine:
And here you have a few more videos with Austrian winemakers, from a few years back. In English this time!