The debate around glyphosate continues. The product is used as an herbicide, in for instance Roundup. It has been, since a while back, on EU’s list of unsafe products that maybe should be phased out. It is now time to renew the permit for its use (which is done every ten years for pesticides). This has prompted much discussion.
Last year, two conflicting reports about if glyphosate can be considered carcinogen or not, were published. The French government then asked the Anses, the French Food Safety Agency, to also investigate. Anses presented its report last month. Their conclusion was that “the level of proof that the product can cause cancer in animals and humans can be considered to be relatively limited.”
On February 22, the European Parliament made their contribution to the discussion. The Parliament’s Environment Commission said that “the EU should not continue to authorize the product, which WHO has classified as a carcinogen”. The Environment Commission wants additional and independent scientific studies before the permit for use is extended. To be continued, in other words. Glyphosate is found in hundreds of pesticides and are widely used in European agriculture, including viticulture.
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