On February 8, BIVB, Interprofession des Vins de Burgundy (BIVB), will host its annual conference, Vinosphère, to discuss the future of Burgundy. The things that will be discussed are probably high on the agenda for many other French wine regions as well.
- Loi Evin. This is the law that regulates what you can say and not when promoting your wine. Loi Evin is pretty strict.
- Esca, a fungal disease that degrades the vine’s tissues and can cause it to die. There is no cure. 4.6 hectolitres per hectare are lost each year due to esca. It is a big problem today throughout France.
- How to handle frost in spring?
- Early harvest, will it be the new normal? Maybe a little early to say yet. 2017 was very early, but on the other hand it was a strange year in many ways.
- Resistant grape varieties. These are grape varieties that are crossings between European and American grape varieties. They have good resistance to mildiou and other diseases. Are now being introduced in France.
- Wine tourism. More and more wine regions are discussion how to best welcome tourists. All of a sudden, everyone wants to win the Best Wine Tourism awards.
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