Fat Bastard on video

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Arrogant Frog and Fat Bastard are two rather unpleasant brand names for unpretentious French wines. And they happen to be big sellers on the export market. If the names show foreigners’ idea of the French or just what the French think is the opinion of them in other countries, we really don’t know.

Now the producer behind the Fat Bastard, Gabriel Meffre in the Rhone Valley, is launching five small videos on YouTube. They are in English and target the 35 countries where the wine is sold.

The first and the second videos are already launched and the remaining three will be in February and March. They continue on the theme of “how foreigners view the French”, that is as a whining, arrogant, bragging seducers (not necessarily all at once of course). Funny? Well, I’m a little hesitant about the first two but maybe the next three will be better:

You can see the first video and the second video below and the rest on Fat Bastard’s YouTube Channel.

A mermaid carving on a wooden vat
A mermaid carving on a wooden vat, copyright BKWine Photography

So…. Is this fun? What do you think?

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