An environmentally friendly glass bottle may be closer than you think

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Many wine lovers, us included, are fond of glass bottles. But at the same time, we know that the production of glass bottles is hugely energy intensive. But what if this energy was non-fossil?

English glass manufacturer Encirc has partnered with the large spirits group Diageo to manufacture the world’s first glass bottles with zero carbon dioxide emissions. They recently unveiled plans for a new furnace that will reduce CO2 emissions by 90%. It will be powered by electricity from non-fossil sources and hydrogen gas. The remaining 10% will be compensated for with carbon dioxide capture and storage. The furnace will be built in Cheshire, England, be operational in 2027 and be able to produce 200 million bottles a year in 2030.

They are not alone.

Absolut Vodka has signed an agreement with the Ardagh Group to produce its glass vodka bottles at a partially hydrogen-powered glass furnace, which it hopes will take the company one step closer to CO2 neutrality by 2030. Berlin Packaging in the US makes a 100% carbon-neutral bottle in an oven heated by renewable resources. I’m sure they are more examples out there.

Read more: packagingeurope

An old vintage car-lorry with a big bottle at Cave Guinot in Limoux in the Languedoc
An old vintage car-lorry with a big bottle at Cave Guinot in Limoux in the Languedoc, copyright BKWine Photography

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