What to drink with spring vegetables or around the barbecue?

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Here are some suggestions or inspiration for white wines to drink with your primeurs vegetables or when enjoying the spring season barbecues.

Creation Reserve Chardonnay 2019, Walker Bay, South Africa, ~15 euro. Oak fermentation with batonnage gives a good body while maintaining freshness. From a cool climate region on the south coast of South Africa. Creation is a great chardonnay specialist.

François 1er Vieilles Vignes 2017, Domaine Des Huards, AOP Cour-Cheverny, Loire Valley, ~18 euro. The grape is romorantin, unique to this appellation close to two of the most beautiful Loire chateaux. Full-bodied with apricot aromas and lovely honey notes.

Guímaro Blanco 2019, Ribeira Sacra, Galicia, Spain, ~12 euro. Spain has so much to discover and gets so little attention compared to Italy and France. Galicia by the Atlantic coast makes some superb wines. Here, the grape is godello, and with its fresh citrus flavours, it will go very well with a grilled fish.

Keermont Terrasse 2017, Stellenbosch, South Africa, ~15 euro. Chenin blanc is the main grape in this oak barrel-fermented wine. Chardonnay gives body and sauvignon blanc and viognier an attractive spiciness A delicious combination.

Granito Semillon 2019, J. Bouchon, Maule, Chile, ~20 euro. It is unusual to come across semillon outside of Bordeaux. This intensely flavourful wine comes from 80-year-old vines in Chile.

Chardonnay just brought in from harvest in Burgundy
Chardonnay just brought in from harvest in Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography

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