Organic wine continues to increase its sales and market shares. Now, consumer demand drives the three largest wine countries, Italy, Spain and France, to increase their organic surface at a quicker pace, according to a report by Millésime Bio, an organic wine fair that takes place in Montpellier at the end of January. Not least, the demand for organic sparkling is increasing. The consumption of organic bubbles has tripled since 2013.
The three major wine countries in Europe today have about 10% of their vineyard surface organically certified or under conversion. If you think the figure is small, you have to look at how it has developed.
In 2008, Spain had 30,000 hectares, in 2013 57,000 ha, in 2018 89,600 ha and it is estimated to have 160,000 ha by 2023 (out of a total vine surface of ~960,000 ha).
France has gone from 5,000 hectares in 1995, to 50,000 ha in 2010, 65,300 ha in 2018 and it is estimated to have 115,000 hectares in 2023 (total surface 790,000 ha).
Italy is estimated to have more than 96,000 organic hectares in 2023 (total surface 700,000 ha).
There has been a steady increase ever since the introduction of the official and common EU organic certification in 1991.
The Italian and Spanish organic wine production is mainly exported, while the French (and the US and German) is mainly consumed within the country.
Read more organic statistics here:
Read: Read the true story on what organic wine is in our book.

2 Responses
Kommer vi kunna få bra producerade viner eller har vi vant oss med att det ska gå att få tag på ett vin till en billig peng? Jag vet inte hur många gånger jag gått till Systembolaget och hört andra kunder säga “Men den behöver inte kosta mer än kanske 80-90 kr”. Har vi vant oss vid för låg nivå i pris? Kvalitet kostar nog några kronor mer, vill man betala det..
Det har du nog helt rätt i.