Many wine producers are betting the future on the Chinese wine market these days. The export sales to most countries are weak, but China seems to have caught an appetite for wine. According to the latest figures, if they are correct, China is now the biggest export market for Bordeaux wine, ahead of the UK. For those who want to know more about China and about how wine is sold and understood in China there is now a very specialised blog in that very subject. It is written by a Chinese journalist living in France, Jia Peng, so it is in French, but with Google Translate most people will be able to understand the essentials: Le Marché du Vin en Chine.

3 Responses
Huh, I have never thought of wine and China being a pair … interesting
Healthy wines are becoming welcomed in mid China, and Chinese domestic brands are exploiting this market. This is an article I wrote about the trends and prospects for alcoholic drink market in mid China.
Hope you can read it and we may exchange ideas.
Would have been interesting but that page does not exist… :-(