China wants natural cork, Australia complies

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China has become Australia’s largest export market. And the things you do to satisfy your customers! You even put natural cork in the bottles, despite the fact that you are Australian. Amorim, Portugal’s (and the world’s) largest cork manufacturer, tells us that the fastest growing natural cork market in the last 18 months has been Australia. This is a country known for its preference for screw cap. But in China most wine drinkers apparently want wines with natural cork.

A big part of the Australian wines is sealed with a screw cap. But there, as well as in neighbouring New Zealand, which is also a screw-cap aficionado, producers are increasingly looking towards natural cork. This is largely due to the efforts that Amorim and other cork manufactures have made and still make to reduce the risk of cork defects. But maybe even the Kiwis and the Aussies have a secret penchant for the natural cork?

We are in any case grateful to anyone who helps to preserve the fantastic cork forests in Portugal.

Read more: thedrinksbusiness

Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal
Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal, copyright BKWine Photography
Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal
Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal, copyright BKWine Photography
Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal
Harvesting oak bark for cork, Alentejo, Portugal, copyright BKWine Photography

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