Champagne Veuve Clicquot fights for its orange colour

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Admittedly, they have said that they are not going to sue but still, the whole affair is exaggerated, to say the least. It is about champagne house Veuve Clicquot and their zealous eagerness to defend their orange colour.

A tiny producer of sparkling wine in Campania in southern Italy has a label that is orange. But we do not think it looks at all like the orange colour of Veuve Clicquot and to believe that any consumer could be confused is plain silly. Veuve Clicquot, however, thinks otherwise and is using “friendly” pressure to make the Campania producer change its label. Compare the two labels here.

The champagne houses clearly have too much money if they can afford to have their lawyers dealing with things like this.

Read also what our colleague Jim Budd thinks about the Veuve Clicquot “friendly talk”.

Apples, oranges, bananas and other fruit for sale on a street market in Uruguay
Apples, oranges, bananas and other fruit for sale on a street market in Uruguay, copyright BKWine Photography

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