Champagne Telmont launches a lighter champagne bottle to reduce the carbon footprint

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Since 2010, a champagne bottle weighs 835 grams. It is down from 900 grams which was previously the standard weight. In other words, it is almost twice as much as a lightweight bottle for still wines. But a champagne bottle must withstand a pressure of 6 kilos by a good margin. Both the manufacturing and the transport of these heavy bottles increase the carbon footprint of champagne producers, and research is underway to reduce the glass weight.

Champagne Telmont, a small house in the Vallée de la Marne, has conducted its own research with the bottle manufacturer Verallia and is now launching a bottle that is 35 grams lighter, i.e. 800 grams.

They first tested 3,000 bottles and are now expanding production to 30,000 bottles. Telmont will put its organic cuvée “Réserve de la Terre” in the 800-gram bottles, and after three years of ageing, it will be sold starting in 2026.

Read more: Champagne-Telmont

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A pile of the lightweight bottle that Champagne Telmont is experimenting with in the cellar
A pile of the lightweight bottles that Champagne Telmont is experimenting with in the cellar, copyright BKWine Photography
Bottles "sur lattes" in a cellar in Champagne
Bottles "sur lattes" in a cellar in Champagne, copyright BKWine Photography

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