Champagne Henriot becomes cooperative wine and teammates with Nicolas Feuillatte

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It was only last year (2022) that the Pinault family bought Domaines et Maisons Henriot. The acquisition vehicle was their company Artémis Domaines, which already owns e.g. Château Latour and several other luxury wine estates. With the Henriot purchase, they acquired not only Champagne Henriot but also Bouchard Père & Fils in Burgundy, William Fèvre in Chablis, and Beaux-Frères in Oregon.

Now Artémis has decided to sell off Champagne Henriot, and the lucky buyer is Terroirs & Vignerons de Champagne (TEVC), whose major brand is the very well-known Nicolas Feuillatte.

TEVC is Champagne’s largest cooperative and includes 6,000 grape growers who grow 2,750 hectares. Champagne Nicolas Feuillatte sells around 12 million bottles a year and thus belongs to the big producers in Champagne. Probably only Moët & Chandon and Veuve Clicquot sell more (estimated to 30 and 16 million bottles, respectively).

Artémis Domaines thus focusses on Champagne Jacquesson, which they took a participation in earlier in 2022 and now control. If Artemis keeps the vineyards that Henriot owns or if they are part of the sale is not known to us.

Read more: vitisphere

Travel: Come on a wine tour to Champagne with BKWine.

A brass sign at Champagne Henriot in Reims
A brass sign at Champagne Henriot in Reims, copyright BKWine Photography

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