25 years ago there were no vineyards at all in the Casablanca Valley in Chile. Today it is one of Chile’s “hottest” wine regions precisely because it is not so hot. It is located towards the coast from Santiago with cool sea breezes coming in. If you take the highway to the coast and continue until you get to the ocean you end up in … Valparaiso.
For many Swedes (and perhaps others!) Valparaiso is almost a magical or mythical city, thanks to a song by a classic Swedish song writer, Evert Taube. Britt too had dreamt about Valparaiso since she was small. Nevertheless, it was not until her third trip to Chile that Britt actually came to Valparaiso.
She tells that story, and also how the Casablanca Valley rose “out of nothing” as a wine region on the travel blog: Combining Valparaiso and Casablanca makes a magical wine tour.
If you too have longed to experience (a very special) Valparaiso then you should know that a visit there is included on BKWine’s food and wine tour to Chile and Argentina this winter. Book now!