Britt Karlsson, BKWine, elected Wine Personality of the Year

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Munskänkarna is the world’s biggest wine tasting club with almost 24 000 members (yes indeed!). Since a few years back they pick each year a person that they honour with the title “Wine Profile of the Year” (or Wine Personality of the Year). This year the honour was bestowed on Britt Karlsson, BKWine, when she, unsuspecting, was visiting the biggest Scandinavian gastronomy and wine show in Sweden in November (Mitt Kök).

The motivation reads like this:

“For many years Britt Karlsson has promoted the interest for wine. With her newsletter, articles, books, conferences and wine tastings she has contributed to an increased awareness and knowledge of wine and of wine producers. Stories of the individual wine producer and his ideas on how to grow and make wine are often brought to the fore and show in interesting ways the people behind the wine.

Through a broad program of exciting wine tours both the beginner and the more experienced wine enthusiast can get their appetite for both food and wine satisfied.

Britt shares in a commendable way all her knowledge and experience to the benefit of all wine lovers.

With this, the Munskänkarna Association can with joy and pride honour Britt with the title Wine Profile of the Year 2011.”

A big thank you!

Britt Karlsson, BKWine, receives the award Wine Profile of the Year
Britt Karlsson, BKWine, receives the award Wine Profile of the Year, photo: Claes Löfgren

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