New BKWine Brief out, #128: 100 M euro for a vineyard, world-class Chilean wine, and much more | The wine newsletter

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Per Karlsson portrait Britt Karlsson portraitWinemakers in different countries face different problems. When we were in South Africa in March harvest was in full swing. Several times we had discussions on how to keep the baboons away from the vineyard.

It can be fun to see baboons while sitting safely in a bus or in a car. Not as fun to get the entire harvest gobbled up by ravenous animals who clearly know exactly when the grapes are perfectly ripe. And who, if not the baboon, choose the perfectly ripe grapes to munch on? Electric fencing does keep them away in some places but not even that is totally effective.

In Europe we have the wild boars that can cause havoc but if I had to choose I would probably rather meet a boar than a full grown baboon. They are actually quite frightening at close range and very intelligent.

In South Africa the harvest is more or less to an end, in Europe the growing season has just started. At least in France, with around a week to ten days’ head start compared to a normal year, thanks to the warm winter. With last year’s abysmal weather in memory – “in Bordeaux we had winter until June”, said Luc Peyronnet at Chateau Phelan-Segur – there are many fingers crossed in France that it will be a good season in 2014. Vintage variations may have their charm but when the harvest is more or less half of the normal volume, it is hard to see the attraction of it if you are a wine grower.

If you want to see up-close how the harvest will turn out then you should book yourself on one of our wine tours in the autumn. Two very classic destinations to choose from: Bordeaux and the Douro Valley. Plus two additional exceptional longer wine tours in the winter: South America and South Africa. Guaranteed once-in-a-lifetime experiences. Read more below !

And one more thing: Do visit our Facebook page, BKWine Magazine. And please “Like” it! Thank you very much.

Britt & Per

PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief!

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[box type=”note” size=”large” style=”rounded” border=”full”]This is just the introduction to the latest issue of the Brief. Subscribe to the BKWine Brief and you will get the whole edition in your mailbox next month.[/box]

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