Bordeaux primeurs 2020 according to Château Phélan-Ségur, Saint Estèphe

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A definite sign of spring was the start of the Bordeaux primeur campaign in April. Now, several chateaux have also “released” their primeur prices for the 2020 vintage. We have seen both increases and reductions in prices compared with 2019.

Overall, producers and critics agreed that it is a good vintage, remarkable in some places. But it was a year with some challenges.

Véronique Dausse, CEO of Château Phélan-Ségur in Saint Estèphe, tells us about record rainfall during the winter, 848 mm between October 2019 and the end of March 2020, compared to a 26-year average of 540 mm. Then followed a mild spring and a very dry summer. The clayish soil in Saint Estèphe, however, saved the grapes from water stress and, miraculously, there was some rain towards the end of August. The beginning of September was ideal weather for the phenolic ripening; sunny days and cool nights. Phélan-Ségur harvested relatively early, September 16 to October 1, in beautiful weather.

Véronique is very pleased with the quality. “We have balance, structure, density, length and finely woven tannins,” she says. It is also their first vintage with petit verdot. It was first planted in 2013, and in 2020 it reached good ripeness for the first time. It offers “exceptional aromas.”

Bordeaux vintage 2020 is, of course, still maturing in the chateaux’ barrel cellars.

Read more: phelansegur (pdf)

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The barrel cellar at Chateau Phelan-Segur in Saint Estephe, Bordeaux
The barrel cellar at Chateau Phelan-Segur in Saint Estephe, Bordeaux, copyright BKWine Photography

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