Why is Bordeaux 2009 so expensive?

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One can with good reason wonder why it is that Bordeaux 2009 is so expensive. It is the most expensive vintage ever, in spite of an international wine crisis, with prices reaching dizzying heights: Yquem €540; Lafite, Mouton, Margaux €550; Haut-Brion, Latour €600; Cheval Blanc €700; Ausone €800; Le Pin €1050. Per bottle.

Long before the wine is finished and bottled. “The Wine Economist” has made a good summary of different theories of why this is happening, Extreme Wines: Most Expensive Vintage?, that you can read here wineeconomist.com.

One can at least conclude two things:

  1. The prices have reached these levels because there are some customers wiling to pay those prices;
  2. If one buys a wine for its taste and for the pleasure of drinking it (rather than the pleasure of looking at the label) then one will buy other wines than these Bordeaux wines.

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