BKWine subject-matter experts on Wine at NE Nationalencyklopedin, the “Swedish Encyclopaedia Britannica”

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BKWine, or more precisely Britt and Per, have been appointed subject-matter experts or, if you like, subject-matter managers for all that relates to wine at the Nationalencyklopedin, the Swedish National Encyclopedia NE.

You can in many ways compare Nationalencyklopedin with the Encyclopaedia Britannica and see it as a Swedish version of it (although there is no link between the two). It is widely used in national education. This means that all articles that have to do with wine will be reviewed by us and the texts will in future be written by us.

We take over responsibility from Urban Laurin, who has had it for almost thirty years. There is an impressively large number of articles that deal with wine in the National Encyclopaedia, everything from (relatively) technical articles, to wine regions, rules and much more.

We will start by going through what exists and see what most is in need of being updated. One sometimes has the impression that not much changes in the wine world, but it is not so. A lot is changing all the time and texts need to be constantly modernized.

We are happy and proud to receive this assignment and to have been appointed subject-matter experts for wine by the National Encyclopedia!

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