BKWine runner-up in wine & travel blogging competition

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A bit of a mouth-full, wine / travel blogging competition… Great Wine Capitals is an association of some of the world’s great wine regions. Their mission is to spread the word that these wine regions are fantastic travel destinations. Last year they arranged a competition for bloggers who write on wine and travel.

Geese in the vineyard at the Emiliana Winery, Chile
Geese in the vineyard at the Emiliana Winery, Chile, copyright BKWine Photography

We write a lot about wine and travel on The Wine Travel Blog so we were of course keen to participate.

We did not win. Mindy Joyce did with her piece A Magical Trip to Bordeaux, A Better Trip to the Wine Counter on WineryCritic.com. Congratulations!

But we came in second place, runner-up with Britt’s article Combining Valparaiso and Casablanca makes a magical wine tour.

In addition we landed the number 5 and number 7 slots. Her are our articles:

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Even if you do not write about it travelling in a wine region is a fantastic inspiration. And pleasure. The best way to enjoy and to experience a wine region is on a wine tour with BKWine.

The wine travel pros: Travel to the world’s wine regions with the wine experts and the specialists in wine tours.


Chateau Pichon-Longueville, Pauillac, Bordeaux
Chateau Pichon-Longueville, Pauillac, Bordeaux, copyright BKWine Photography

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