New BKWine Brief out, #120: on Bordeaux, Turkey, plantations, oak, wine tours | The wine newsletter

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Per Karlsson portrait Britt Karlsson portraitWelcome back, in case you have been on holidays.

There is in many situations a turning point when you know if things go in the right direction or not or from which point things are particularly important. It is around this time in the summer that this happens in the vineyards. Now we go into the final phases of the growing year for the vine. What happens now can make or break the vintage.

Terrible weather earlier in the year can be repaired by a glorious autumn. A splendid spring and summer can be destroyed by incessant rain during the harvest in September. The winegrower can never be guaranteed peace of mind at this time of the year.

This year has been difficult, unusual but not too bad, so far. Spring and early summer was generally very cold and wet in most parts of France. Vegetation was sometimes two or three weeks behind the usual development. But much of summer has been very good. Not exceedingly hot nor wet. There have been terrible problems in some areas with violent hailstorms, often causing great damage in the vineyards that were hit. But overall good.

Now we are crossing fingers that autumn will be good. Would it not be nice with a long warm autumn period? Then this could turn into a very good year. Many winegrowers are also hoping for big quantities after two years of rather small harvests.

We at BKWine are also hoping for a glorious autumn period. We are just going into our most hectic wine travel season. This coming weekend is the last weekend until the end of October that we are both, Britt and Per, at home over the weekend. We have a lot of different wine tours lined up for the next two or three months.

We will meet some of you, our readers, on them. And if we don’t meet you this autumn, we hope to meet you some other time. Perhaps on one of our wine tours?

So there are busy times ahead of us as well as for all wine makers!

And… don’t forget to take a look at our upcoming wine tour to Chile & Argentina and the one to South Africa. Two very special wine tours. More info below. Final date for bookings is approaching fast!

Britt & Per

PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief!

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[box type=”note” style=”rounded” border=”full”]This is just the introduction to the latest issue of the Brief. Subscribe to the BKWine Brief and you will get the whole edition in your mailbox next month.[/box]

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