New BKWine Brief out, #119: Californian wines, champagne, Alsace…

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Per Karlsson portrait Britt Karlsson portraitOne would be tempted to think that in summer time with vacation going on that the Brief would be short, that sun and other more important thing would take precedence. But not so. Here is what is probably an unusually long Brief.

Not that we intended it that way. Each month we try and keep it short. (It is after all called The Brief.) But usually we fail. Sometimes we even get mail complaining that we write too much… Well, you do not have to read it it all, even if we are glad if you do. We are also glad for any comments you might have.

But this month it is simply since there has been so much happening in July and a lot of things published on BKWine Magazine.

There has been a torrent of strange things in the media about the Swedish monopoly, if you happen to be interested in that kind of things. We have published articles on several different Californian wineries, on sherry, Alsace, on an odd (dare we say revolutionary? No, we dare not) wine saver device, and many other things.

So read on.

But before that we would like to remind you about the most important thing of all.

Do take a look at this since it is thanks to this that we spend so much time and effort on the BKWine Brief and BKWine Magazine:

Our wine tours!

There are still places left on our two winter tours:

  • South America with Chile and Argentina in February
  • South Africa in March

Two very unique and exclusive wine tour experiences!

And if those don’t fit your timing or interests, why not contact us for a custom designed wine tour for you and your friends? We organise some 30 wine tours and personally visit some 200-300 wineries each year so you will have a hard time finding someone better placed to know where to go.

And it would be a pleasure to see you in person on one of our tours.

Britt & Per

PS: Recommend to your friends to read the Brief!

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[box type=”note” style=”rounded” border=”full”]This is just the introduction to the latest issue of the Brief. Subscribe to the BKWine Brief and you will get the whole edition in your mailbox next month.[/box]

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