A big and rather late harvest in Napa Valley and elsewhere in California

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Not many grapes are still fermenting in cellars in Napa Valley although the harvest this year was unusually late. The growing season started late, and flowering was 2-3 weeks later than usual, which meant the harvest started late and continued well into November. It has rained a lot this year, approximately 1200 mm, a relief for the growers, considering the drought of recent years. It has even been possible to reduce irrigation and rely on the rain.

The harvest volume is estimated to be 15–20% greater than average. The grapes were extraordinary and healthy, with excellent acidity thanks to slightly cooler temperatures and an even and long ripening. Probably 2023 is an exceptional vintage in the making.

Read more: winebusiness

Pinot noir grapes fermenting in an open-top tank in Burgundy
Pinot noir grapes fermenting in an open-top tank in Burgundy, copyright BKWine Photography

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