Better sex drive for women who drink red wine

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Researchers at the Santa Maria Annunziata Hospital in Florence have conducted a study that shows that women who drink red wine lead a more active sex life. The study included 789 women aged between 18 and 50. It showed that those who regularly drank two glasses of red wine per day were much more sexually active than those who drank nothing or only occasionally. Doses exceeding two glasses seem not to have been investigated. Santa Maria – doesn’t that sound like a monastic hospital? One wonders if a follow-up study might show that Chianti is particularly effective.

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2 Responses

  1. I'd imagine the focus on red wine was to focus on the health benefits. Taking your idea of the possibility of Chianti being more effective, I'd also be interested in hearing how white wine drinkers compare.

    Adam & Eve Outreach

  2. People usually drink red wine not due to sexual reason. In the study, 789 women maybe not too much. Maybe you can research 10000 people to have a better result.

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