Beaujolais Nouveau, still going strong, but not quite so strong

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Many believe that the hype around Beaujolais Nouveau is over. But that’s not entirely true. It is not the same hysteria as it was 30 or 40 years ago when the new wine was released, the third Thursday in November. But in 2016, Beaujolais Nouveau sold for 22 million euros over 10 days. That is 85% of the total production of Beaujolais Nouveau and 25% of the total production of Beaujolais. Quite impressive sales figures. 2017 is expected to give the same result. But sales are declining, down 62% since 2004 (493,700 hl in 2004 and 188,400 hl 2016).

Maybe a good thing? To give more focus on “real” Beaujolais?

The first Beaujolais Nouveau was sold in 1951. These fruity and juicy wines can be really refreshing. Choose a good producer though, Foillard, JP Brun, Domaine du Vissoux, JM Burgaud or others.

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Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in a Paris wine bar
Beaujolais Nouveau arrives in a Paris wine bar, copyright BKWine Photography

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