Are Napa wine prices and tasting fees going through the roof? | Per on Forbes

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The average tasting room tasting fee in Napa is $128 for a “reserve tasting” and $81 for a “standard tasting”. The average suggested retail price of a bottle of Napa wine is $108.

These astonishing numbers come from the 2023 Direct to Consumer Wine Survey by the Silicon Valley Bank. They position Napa as far more expensive to visit and to drink than any other wine region in the USA, and probably in the rest of the world too.

Is Napa Valley pricing itself out of the market for wine and for wine tourism or are these fees long-term sustainable?

Read more in Per’s article on the BKWine Travel Blog, originally published on Forbes: Is Napa Valley pricing itself out of the market for wine tourism and for wine? | Per on Forbes.

A big bunch of bank notes, money
A big bunch of bank notes, money, copyright BKWine Photography

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3 Responses

  1. Yes, won’t go to NAPA anymore. Besides our Washington wines are better. Come visit and I’ll show you :-)
    Just back from Japan, not a fan of sake’
    Hope you are both well
    Dave & Jan

  2. More than just over-priced… homogenized, reducing the impact of terroir and vintage variation. Lots of tricks for greater extraction… Napa has become a producer of “cocktail” wines: medium tannins, medium acidity and heavily oaked with major extraction. Old World wines are much more food friendly, at less than half the price.

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