Appellation Marlborough Wine, a counterweight to sauvignon blanc in bulk

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New Zealand producers who worry that too much commonplace sauvignon blanc is being made in Marlborough can join the Appellation Marlborough Wines. This association has strict requirements for its members’ wines. We wrote about Appellation Marlborough Wines when it was created in 2019.

Initially, the requirements were that 100% of the grapes must come from Marlborough, and the wines must be bottled in New Zealand. Around 40% of the country’s sauvignon blanc is exported in bulk, and some of it is of such substandard quality that AMW members fear it could tarnish Marlborough’s reputation in the long run. AMW wines must be Sustainable Winegrowing New Zealand certified (which pretty much all New Zealand wines are) and approved by a tasting panel of local and experienced winemakers.

The association now has over 50 members. It recently hired a CEO and is now aiming to capture the interest of buyers and consumers. The appellation has been expanded to include all grapes grown in Marlborough, so it is no longer just sauvignon blanc.

Read more: appellationmarlboroughwine

Travel: Come on a wine tour to New Zealand with BKWine.

See: See pictures and videos from New Zealand 2024 in the wine tour’s Facebook group.

Sauvignon blanc landscape at Tupari Wines in the Awatere Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand
Sauvignon blanc landscape at Tupari Wines in the Awatere Valley, Marlborough, New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography
The Clos Henri vineyard with sauvignon blanc grapes in Marlborough, New Zealand
The Clos Henri vineyard with sauvignon blanc grapes in Marlborough, New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography
Sauvignon blanc landscape in Marlborough, New Zealand
Sauvignon blanc landscape in Marlborough, New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography

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