Some time ago we wrote about some very old vines in Bordeaux., our Danish colleague, has picked up on the story and has found one that is 350 years old in Alto Adige in Italy, at Schloss Katzenzungen in Prissian. That ancient vine was also well know to one of our readers. She even has a bottle with a certificate of origin in her wine cellar and according to her it is believed that the vine is even 600 years old. The grape variety is called Versoaln which is thought to have been named after Versailles outside Paris. The owner of Schloss Katzenzungen is Ernst Pobitzer. He also owns Pian dell’Orino in Montalcino where wine is made from a bit more recent vines. But according to Guinness Book of Records the oldest vine is one found in Maribor in Slovenia which is more than 400 years old! (So planted in the late 16th century.) And they also still make wines from its grapes.