It seems the conquest of the world for rosé wines is unstoppable. From having been a little appreciated cheap (and often nasty) wine rosé is now – literally – on everyone’s lips. Even the most serious of wine writers assures us that rose is, or can be, great.
In the first of two articles on rosé wines on Forbes Britt retraces a bit of the background. Here’s how it starts:
Rosé wine is no longer only a summer wine to be drunk on a sunny terrace, preferably in Provence. Rosé wine is actually the height of fashion. It is no longer looked down upon. It is trendy and the quality is so much better than it used to be. Of all wine regions in the world, Provence in southern France is probably the pinkest. Here almost 90 % of the wine production is rosé. And as more and more producers start to make ultra-premium rosé wines the crucial question is: [inlinetweet prefix=”” tweeter=”” suffix=””]Can rosé ever be a great wine?[/inlinetweet]

Trendy or not, it is much easier to like rosé wines nowadays as they are both fresher and drier in style. They are more and more present on the dining table. The producers themselves recommend rosé wines with everything from Asian cuisine to charcuterie, veal and chicken. The aromas of red berries are still prevalent in rosé wines but as the structure is better and the acidity fresher they seem less juicy and more like a “real” wine.
Read the rest of Britt’s article on Forbes: Fashionable pink: Rosé wine is conquering the world.
This is the first of two articles on rosé wines. Read the second here: The world’s most expensive rosé wine | Britt on Forbes.

7 Responses
YES!!! It’s always rosé season! :)
What about Switzerland? They produce some of the very best rosé in the world! Oeil de Perdrix is astonishing and is so different to French rosé in a very positive way. The lack of acidity makes it far more accessible to all drinkers.
Haven’t tasted many Swiss rose wine’s I’m afraid. Good to hear that they are excellent.
When are you next in the UK? You must come to Bradford and try some!
Far too rarely I’m afraid!
Well do let us know when it next happens and we will gladly put on a tasting for you. (Not just the rosés!)