The number of biodynamic wine producers is growing in France and in the world. It is still only a small percentage of all organic producers that are biodynamic, but they get noticed not least because many of them make outstanding wines.
You can work biodynamically without being certified, of course, but many choose a certification. The largest certification body is Demeter. The headquarters are in Germany and national Demeter associations exist in several countries (Demeter France, Demeter Association USA and so on). (This is somewhat different than “organic”. If you are organic you must be certified, otherwise you are not organic. Organic is a protected denomination, which biodynamic is not.)
Demeter likes to think that they have some kind of monopoly on biodynamic farming, or at least it sometimes feels so. Which it doesn’t have, of course. In France, Biodyvin certifies almost 150 members. In Austria, Respekt-Biodyn has a little over 20 members, mainly in Austria but also in Germany, Hungary and Italy.
We have selected fourteen of the best producers from the Biodyvin group, not all from France.
Read more about Biodyvin and some of our favourite biodynamic wine producers…

Read more on this in Britt’s article on Forbes: A Selection Of Top-quality “Biodynamic” Wine Producers, From Biodyvin.
Here’s the introduction:
Only a tiny fraction of the world’s wine producers are “biodynamic”. It’s an odd concept. Sometimes it is thought of as being a mystic sect, sometimes people believe it is just another word for “organic”. Neither is true. Most importantly, it is a group of producers that include some top quality wineries making very exciting wines.
But what about the two mistaken beliefs? Well, there are some aspects of biodynamics that are hard to understand, yes, but most biodynamic wine producers simply say “I tried it and it seems to make a difference, and it works for me.” Also, all biodynamic wine producers are organic but not all organics are biodynamic. Biodynamics is a special niche within organics that have stricter rules and that use some sometimes odd practices. They are always controlled by a certifying organisation, mostly either the big international Demeter or the primarily French Biodyvin.
But back to the exiting wines. We recently had an opportunity to taste a wide selection of wines from Biodyvin and here are some of our favourite producers. The French Biodyvin, whose full name is Syndicat International des Vignerons en Culture Bio-Dynamique, has made itself a name as an association for high-quality biodynamic producers.
Read more on this in Britt’s article on Forbes: A Selection Of Top-quality “Biodynamic” Wine Producers, From Biodyvin.