BKWine Magazine nr 4 of “World’s Top Online Wine Magazines”

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We received an email the other day saying “you’re on Feedspot’s list of ‘Top Wine Magazines & Publications To Follow in 2021’”. Really? Yes, and not only that. BKWine Magazine ranks as number four from the top, after Wine Enthusiast Magazine, Wine Turtle and Wine Spectator in the Feedspot ranking.

Feedspot ranks sites based on a number of criteria, like relevancy, Neutrality (not being linked to a brand), publishing frequency, domain authority and a number of other factors. We are certainly very proud and happy to be in one of the top spots in the Feedspot ranking online wine magazines and wine sites. Thank you, Feedspot team. You can see the Feedspot ranking of online wine magazines here.

This is the full list of the top online wine magazines according to Feedspot:

  1. Wine Enthusiast
  2. Wine Turtle
  3. Wine Spectator
  4. BKWine Magazine
  5. World of Fine Wine
  6. Decanter
  7. Wine & Spirits Magazine
  8. Winemag.co.za
  9. Winestate Magazine
  10. American Vineyard Magazine
  11. Vineyard Magazine

There’s definitely a lot of interesting reading on that list if you want to read and learn more about wine. You can use Feedspot as an RSS reader to keep updated on what’s new on websites that you’re interested in. RSS has gone out of fashion a bit but it can certainly be more useful than relying on an arbitrary Facebook or Instagram news feed where someone else decides what you should see.

With RSS you decide for yourself what news you want. You simply register the RSS feeds for the sites you are interested in in the reader of your choice, for example with a free account on the Feedspot reader. (There are many others, e.g. CommaFeed or The Old Reader, or even many email clients.)

Here’s BKWine Magazine’s RSS feed.

Anything that’s missing on the list? Post a comment!

The top of the Mount Cook Mountain in New Zealand
The top of the Mount Cook Mountain in New Zealand, copyright BKWine Photography

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