Unless you have millions of euros to spare you’re not going to be a winery owner. But it can still be fun to get involved with wine. There is a less onerous way to do it – through crowdfunding. I met with Maxime Debure, founder and CEO of WineFunding. Dubure trained as a winemaker and worked in many countries around the world. He then got an MBA business degree from INSEAD followed by a solid experience in the finance industry.
He then founded WineFunding that brings together wine enthusiasts interested in investing in wine and wineries needing outside investors. That is the essence of his company WineFunding.
Read more in Per’s article on Forbes: “Invest In A Wine Estate Through Crowdfunding With WineFunding”.

Here’s the introduction to the article:
Do you have a dream of owning a wine estate? Or investing in a vineyard? Unless you have several million dollars to spend it is likely to remain a dream. However, since a few years back you can invest in wine estates through crowdfunding that lets you get engaged in wine with a much lower financial commitment, but it still lets you be part of a wine project.
One of the first crowdfunding platforms dedicated to wine is WineFunding.com that started in 2016-2017. They now have funded, or are in the process of funding, around twenty different projects.
It works quite differently from “classic” crowdfunding, for example on Kickstarter, where you pay a certain amount of money and in the end you get a product delivered, the thing that you helped fund the development of.
I met some while back with the founder and CEO of WineFunding.com, Maxime Debure, who explained that “WineFunding started with the idea of bringing equity to the wine estates which are very often under-capitalised. They rely mainly on debt and they need equity.” But this has changed. Today, WineFunding has three different funding models. Debure continues: “now we still have equity funding, and we have what we call a ‘wine bond’, and finally investment where you are paid back in wine”.
Read more in Per’s article on Forbes: “Invest In A Wine Estate Through Crowdfunding With WineFunding”.
Watch my video interview with Maxime Debure with lots more details: