Category: Wine of the Month

“Wine of the Month” is a wine that we found particularly memorable or especially interesting to give a mention. It does not have to be a very “fine” wine, exclusive or unusual, rather it is simply something that deserves to be mentioned and appreciated. A short notice of 100-15 words.

Britt’s Olive of the Month: Lucques

I could not help but to nominate an “olive of the month” after having tasted the green olive “Lucques” by the cooperative L’Oulibo in Bize-Minervois. Lucques has a characteristic, elongated shape and should preferably be

448. s.l.m | Åsa’s Wine Of The Month

S.l.m. is not some odd grape variety nor a strange name for a wine producer. No, it is simply the Italian expression for altitude, sopra livello mare. It is exactly on 448 meter’s altitude where

Asa’s WotM: Paolo Scavino, Barbera d’Alba 2010

We recently did a wine tour to Piedmont and visited Paolo Scavino. He makes many interesting wines: Barolo, Langhe Nebbiolo, Barbera etc. Most (or all) would merit a mention under WotM but I will choose

Trebbiano Spolentino, Cantine Novelli | WOTM

Trebbiano? No, Trebbiano Spolentino! Wines made from 100% trebbiano can by thin and nondescript. This wine, Trebbiano Spoletino Bianco 2008, is also made solely from trebbiano. But it is a specific clone of the grape

Wine of the Month – turned to vinegar!!

This month’s ….balsamic vinegar by Åsa: ”Extravecchio” from Villa San Donnino, Modena, Emilia Romagna It is hard to believe that so much taste can come from a single small drop. The balsamic vinegar from Villa

Biancone, Renzo Marinai

My friend was so overwhelmed when she tasted Ronzo Marinai’s chardonnay that she decided to rename her cat Renzo, in homage to the winemaker. After having tasted the wine I think I might do the

Riserva Castel Sant’Elena, Cantine Busti | WOTM

A wine for the ”goderecci”: Riserva Castel Sant’Elena. In other words, a wine for those of you who seek pleasure (which is what goderecci means in Italian), and as often when you are looking for

Åsa’s … olive oil of the month

Querce2 The olive oil of the month comes from Tuscany and the partly Swedish-owned farm Querce2, just south of Florence. They make an excellent oil that fulfils all requirements to be called “eccellente”, as the

Chianti Rufina DOCG 2006 Fattoria Cerreto Libri

Chianti Rufina DOCG 2006 Fattoria Cerreto Libri A spicy wine with long after-taste. On the palate you have distinct notes of violet, warm and ripe black currants and a touch of vanilla. The colour is

Britt’s Olive of the Month: Lucques

I could not help but to nominate an “olive of the month” after having tasted the green olive “Lucques” by the cooperative L’Oulibo in Bize-Minervois.

Wine of the Month – turned to vinegar!!

This month’s ….balsamic vinegar by Åsa: ”Extravecchio” from Villa San Donnino, Modena, Emilia Romagna It is hard to believe that so much taste can come

Biancone, Renzo Marinai

My friend was so overwhelmed when she tasted Ronzo Marinai’s chardonnay that she decided to rename her cat Renzo, in homage to the winemaker. After

Åsa’s … olive oil of the month

Querce2 The olive oil of the month comes from Tuscany and the partly Swedish-owned farm Querce2, just south of Florence. They make an excellent oil

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