Category: Reviews

Reviews of wines, producers, restaurants and books

Jura Wine by Wink Lorch | Book Review

The book Jura Wine by Wink Lorch has all the information that you may ever need on wine from the Jura wine region in eastern France. It contains wine producer profiles, detailed information about the

Get a free ebook on Cognac by Nicolas Faith

If you want to know a little more about cognac you could do worse than getting yourself a free copy of Nicholas Faith’s Guide to Cognac. You can buy it printed on paper or get

A Pinot Noir Shootout | Ulf’s Wine(s) of the Month

Two pinots, both alike in dignity, in fair new world, where we lay our scene… A few months ago I accidentally stumbled upon a wine blog pointing to New Zealandian 2011 Schubert Marion’s Vineyard Pinot

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