Category: Opinion

Why is Bordeaux 2009 so expensive?

One can with good reason wonder why it is that Bordeaux 2009 is so expensive. It is the most expensive vintage ever, in spite of an international wine crisis, with prices reaching dizzying heights: Yquem

”Let the children taste wine”

In many places this is a controversial statement, not least in Sweden, our country of origin. But there’s recently been quite some discussion on that theme on the internet. It started with Dr Vino (Tyler

To filter or not to filter?

We’ve previously written about filtering of wine (us being wine tech geeks!?). Does it matter? Is it good or bad? Is there any substance in the fashion of making unfiltered wines? Here’s an interesting article

Systembolaget shop in Helsingborg

2.3 million euros for indoctrination and propaganda

No, we’re not talking about the French anti-wine campaigns. 2.3 million euro (25 M SEK to be precise) is the budget that the Swedish retail monopoly Systembolaget spends on advertising in a year, according to

Terres Dorees Le Buissy, cuvee a l'ancienne 1999, Jean-Paul Brun, Beaujolais, back label, unfiltered

Good or bad to filter wine? – again

Our piece on filtering wine (is it good or bad? – in view of today’s trend of boasting “unfiltered” on the label) a while back sparked a comment from a reader. (Comments are always welcome!)

Does filtered wine taste less good?

It is very common that wine is filtered before bottling. There are even oenologists who say that any winemaker who does not filter is irresponsible and careless. In the opposite corner we have the crowd

Châteauneuf-du-Pape “La Crau” 2009, Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe 2009

Wine points pointless?

You can read more on wine ratings in the article in the Wall Street Journal that you’ll find in the ‘link tips’ in another post. But the question certainly has a point. Yes, it can

BKWine Brief #43: Appellations and brand names?

Appellations and brand names? Does it serve any useful purpose to have appellations and classifications (by the way, do you know the difference between the two?)? Not an easy question to answer. Yes, it can

Swedish opinion about the alcohol monopoly

According to a recent survey 55% of Swedes are positive to keeping the monopoly, 35% are negative and 10% don’t know. The survey was commissioned by the Swedish Spirits and Wine Importers Association. Of course,

”Let the children taste wine”

In many places this is a controversial statement, not least in Sweden, our country of origin. But there’s recently been quite some discussion on that

To filter or not to filter?

We’ve previously written about filtering of wine (us being wine tech geeks!?). Does it matter? Is it good or bad? Is there any substance in

Does filtered wine taste less good?

It is very common that wine is filtered before bottling. There are even oenologists who say that any winemaker who does not filter is irresponsible

Châteauneuf-du-Pape “La Crau” 2009, Domaine du Vieux Télégraphe 2009

Wine points pointless?

You can read more on wine ratings in the article in the Wall Street Journal that you’ll find in the ‘link tips’ in another post.

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