Category: Newsletter

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 168, August 2017

First of all, if you have not yet “liked” BKWine Magazine on Facebook, please do it now. Much appreciated! Wine Country China …? Britt is in China this week. One of ten invited international wine

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 167, July 2017

Superlatives, thirst wines, and ad masquerades If wine adverts (all too often masquerading as “journalism”) are to be believed all wines are fantastic, perfectly balanced and go with everything, from tapas to tandoori chicken. I

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 166, June 2017

Terroir wine, industrial wine, natural wine, or technical wine? Terroir wines are often said to be the opposite of industrial wines (or volume wines). In short, terroir wines are wines where you recognize the origin

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 165, May 2017

A gloomy spring… Wild or cultured? This month we give you quite a bit of reading and also a lot of videos. We have published several interesting (?) articles that you can read about in

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 164, April 2017

Packaging or contents? We all know the importance of the label on the wine bottle. How it influences us to buy or not to buy. Most consumers are not so knowledgeable about wine, and even

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 163, March 2017

White is (not?) as good as red Several times over the years I have been asked a question that has made me confused. “Can you have a wine tasting of white wines in the same

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 162, February 2017

Is it time to scrap “New World Wine”? Not the wines of course but the generalising description of a group of wines using those words. “This feels like a New World wine” is something we

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 161, January 2017

Streamlined or personal? What is it that makes a wine feel personal, as if it has a special character? It really has nothing to do with the price. Sometimes I get the impression that some

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 160, December 2016

Sparkling trends It is popular to talk about upcoming trends at this time of year. An ongoing trend that certainly will continue in 2017 is the world’s unquenchable thirst for bubbles. In 2016 Prosecco and

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 159, November 2016

Parisian café or Japanese sushi? How is the traditional Parisian café doing? Everywhere you look in the French capital, you see a sushi restaurant or a sushi takeaway where there used to be a café.

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 158, October 2016

High or low alcohol Are you one of those consumers who think that the alcohol level in wines is getting higher and higher? Actually, this is an undisputed fact. Wine has more alcohol now than

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 157, September 2016

Aromatized wine? Flavoured yeast? Luxury wines without oak? On our trip to the southern Rhone Valley last week we tasted the unfermented grape juice from freshly harvested Grenache. It was delicious and sweet. But it

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 156, August 2016

Terroir, desirable or despicable? It is interesting to see how a word can be reassessed. Take the word terroir. A word that every wine lover uses about ten times a day. And always in a

Britt Karlsson and Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 155, July 2016

True or not true? You can find tons of information about wine on the Internet. Who look things up in books nowadays? (Actually, as we write wine books, we hope that many do!) It is

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 154, June 2016

The respect for a fine wine Wine drinking has been democratized in the last 50 years. There are today wines in all price ranges, for all budgets, for all kinds of consumers. Screwcaps and bag

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 153, May 2016

Some who have just recently entered the world of wine, new wine lovers, recent wine enthusiasts, sometimes says that it is so “difficult” to taste wine. On the contrary! It is the easiest thing in

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 152, April 2016

A lot happens in April. Some things that are supposed to happen, like the tasting of young Bordeaux wines from vintage 2015. Other things that shouldn’t happen but do happen nevertheless, like devastating frost nights.

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 151, March 2016

White, red or rosé? Colour is not just about that! What is the importance of the colour of the? Quite a lot actually. Many people like dark, dense wines, they promise body, power and lots

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 150, February 2016

This is number 150 of the BKWine Brief! Who would have thought that when we started one hundred and fifty issues ago!? Revolution in the New World? We have just come back from a wonderful

BKWine Brief nr 149, January 2016

Wine descriptions… How should a wine writer describe a wine so that everyone understands what he/she means? “Excellent” is of course a good word in this context which cannot easily be misunderstood. Possibly it is

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 148, December 2015

With Christmas holiday preparations to take care of maybe you don’t have time to read BKWine Brief. Or, maybe this is the time when you do have time! Whatever the case, this month’s Brief has

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 147, November 2015

There are certain countries, Sweden for instance, that have specific Christmas specialities that are eaten only for Christmas. Christmas food in this sense does not exist in France. Here people eat loads of delicacies instead.

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 146, October 2015

Wine consumers often have great respect, not to say reverence, for fine wine. Old vintages, famous producers, famous vineyards. It affects us all at some point. An awe that comes when you realize you have

BKWine Brief nr 145, September 2015

An insider’s tip to the wine enthusiast: do not pay much attention to vintage tables and ratings. This year’s harvest is a prime example of why you should not bother too much about what you

Britt Karlsson and Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 144, August 2015

It is sometimes strange to see how different trends and how media seem to affect our taste in wine. When they aired a popular TV series about Italian food Italian wines and travel to Italy

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 143, July 2015

Cheap wines are sometimes criticised for being “blended.” Strangely enough, this is seen as something negative. But in fact most wines, almost all, are blended. More expensive wines are also blended. In Champagne they blend

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 142, June 2015

We received an email from Philippe Bernard the other day, one of our favourite wine producers, in Fixin in Côte de Nuits. He was very busy, not only in the vineyards but also in the

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 141, May 2015

Wine drinking doesn’t really have any seasons. With one big exception. Rosé wines. I have decided never to recommend a rosé to anyone. Sounds hard? Maybe even narrow-minded? Many years ago, I was totally against

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 140, April 2015

Our travel in April has taken us both to Sancerre, to Chablis, to Bordeaux and to Champagne. The vines had reached different stages of evolution in the various districts. But everywhere we saw a nascent

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 139, March 2015

March has been filled with some interesting trips for us. We have been in Hungary and tried a variety of Hungarian wines that impressed us a lot. We went there to see the very interesting

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 168, August 2017

First of all, if you have not yet “liked” BKWine Magazine on Facebook, please do it now. Much appreciated! Wine Country China …? Britt is

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 167, July 2017

Superlatives, thirst wines, and ad masquerades If wine adverts (all too often masquerading as “journalism”) are to be believed all wines are fantastic, perfectly balanced

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 166, June 2017

Terroir wine, industrial wine, natural wine, or technical wine? Terroir wines are often said to be the opposite of industrial wines (or volume wines). In

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 165, May 2017

A gloomy spring… Wild or cultured? This month we give you quite a bit of reading and also a lot of videos. We have published

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 164, April 2017

Packaging or contents? We all know the importance of the label on the wine bottle. How it influences us to buy or not to buy.

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 163, March 2017

White is (not?) as good as red Several times over the years I have been asked a question that has made me confused. “Can you

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 162, February 2017

Is it time to scrap “New World Wine”? Not the wines of course but the generalising description of a group of wines using those words.

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 160, December 2016

Sparkling trends It is popular to talk about upcoming trends at this time of year. An ongoing trend that certainly will continue in 2017 is

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 159, November 2016

Parisian café or Japanese sushi? How is the traditional Parisian café doing? Everywhere you look in the French capital, you see a sushi restaurant or

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 158, October 2016

High or low alcohol Are you one of those consumers who think that the alcohol level in wines is getting higher and higher? Actually, this

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 157, September 2016

Aromatized wine? Flavoured yeast? Luxury wines without oak? On our trip to the southern Rhone Valley last week we tasted the unfermented grape juice from

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 156, August 2016

Terroir, desirable or despicable? It is interesting to see how a word can be reassessed. Take the word terroir. A word that every wine lover

Britt Karlsson and Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 155, July 2016

True or not true? You can find tons of information about wine on the Internet. Who look things up in books nowadays? (Actually, as we

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 154, June 2016

The respect for a fine wine Wine drinking has been democratized in the last 50 years. There are today wines in all price ranges, for

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 153, May 2016

Some who have just recently entered the world of wine, new wine lovers, recent wine enthusiasts, sometimes says that it is so “difficult” to taste

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 152, April 2016

A lot happens in April. Some things that are supposed to happen, like the tasting of young Bordeaux wines from vintage 2015. Other things that

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 151, March 2016

White, red or rosé? Colour is not just about that! What is the importance of the colour of the? Quite a lot actually. Many people

BKWine Brief nr 149, January 2016

Wine descriptions… How should a wine writer describe a wine so that everyone understands what he/she means? “Excellent” is of course a good word in

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 148, December 2015

With Christmas holiday preparations to take care of maybe you don’t have time to read BKWine Brief. Or, maybe this is the time when you

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 147, November 2015

There are certain countries, Sweden for instance, that have specific Christmas specialities that are eaten only for Christmas. Christmas food in this sense does not

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 146, October 2015

Wine consumers often have great respect, not to say reverence, for fine wine. Old vintages, famous producers, famous vineyards. It affects us all at some

BKWine Brief nr 145, September 2015

An insider’s tip to the wine enthusiast: do not pay much attention to vintage tables and ratings. This year’s harvest is a prime example of

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 143, July 2015

Cheap wines are sometimes criticised for being “blended.” Strangely enough, this is seen as something negative. But in fact most wines, almost all, are blended.

Britt Karlsson & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 142, June 2015

We received an email from Philippe Bernard the other day, one of our favourite wine producers, in Fixin in Côte de Nuits. He was very

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 141, May 2015

Wine drinking doesn’t really have any seasons. With one big exception. Rosé wines. I have decided never to recommend a rosé to anyone. Sounds hard?

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 140, April 2015

Our travel in April has taken us both to Sancerre, to Chablis, to Bordeaux and to Champagne. The vines had reached different stages of evolution

Britt & Per Karlsson, BKWine

BKWine Brief nr 139, March 2015

March has been filled with some interesting trips for us. We have been in Hungary and tried a variety of Hungarian wines that impressed us

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