Category: News

BKWine Blog

Cheaper oak aged wines with laminated barrels?

A research project in Gironde (Bordeaux) has developed a barrique (225 litre barrel) made of laminated wood. The inner layer is made of oak but the outer layer is made from ash wood. At blind

Tune in to Wine

Jacques Orhon is a Frenchman expatriated to Canada working as a sommelier and writer. He has now (once again) shown unexpected talents by launching a CD with wine songs. He sings and plays the guitar

2005 promises to be an excellent Rhône vintage

According to Inter-Rhône (the producers’ organisation) it will be an excellent vintage for all three colours. Almost perfect weather (avoiding excessive heats as in 2003) resulted in perfectly ripe and healthy grapes. We look forward

Catalan separatists kills cava sales

Sales, and consumption, are plummeting of cava – Spanish sparkling wine primarily made in Catalonia. Consumers in the rest of Spain are protesting against the proposals for more Catalan autonomy by drinking less of the

Age your wine fast-forward with electrolysis

A Japanese laboratory has developed a method to rapidly give the wine the equivalent of bottle age by passing it through an electrolysis apparatus: a young, fruity wine is turned into a mellow, full-bodied wine

Tell us where you are!

That’s right. We want to know where you are. Just for fun, to know where our readers are located. We have created a Frappr map (a free Google service) for the BKWine Brief. You can

Wine and China

– – China invests in wine production and export China is not a big wine producer today (only 4.3% of the world’s wine production) but they are putting a lot of effort into expanding the

Asian Wine Fair in Paris

Wine from 11 Asian countries will be presented at the Asian Wine Fair in Paris on March 6. Apparently it is high season for unusual wine fairs! The Asian event takes place at the Hotel

BKWine interviewed in Chile’s main online wine news site

Andes’ Wines interviewed Britt in their December issue. Andes’ Wines is Chile’s leading online wine newsletter. We can’t help being a bit proud since a few days later they interviewed Jancis Robinson.

Paris vineyards

The winemakers’ association in the Paris region (l’association des Vignerons Franciliens Réunis – VFR) have produced a map showing where you can find all the vineyards in and round Paris. The most famous is in

Some wine links from BKWine

Some wine sites worth having a look at: Institut Coopératif du Vin – A site for those of you who are very interested in wine technology. Lots of information: Tonnellerie Baron – interesting info

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology: Marc Squires, not the most up-to-date web design but

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June Northern Rhone in September Bordeaux at harvest (or just after)

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in the world you are! Click the Frappr sticker in the

The 1976 Paris Tasting – a revolution

In 1976 a blind tasting was organised in Paris (by Steven Spurrier if I remember correctly). It pitched, blind, some top French wines against top Californian wines. The Californians came out on top. A book

BKWine will be interviewed in the Wine & Dine podcast

The (Lynn Chamberlain) will feature an interview with Britt the week starting January 8. Listen to it here:— link in the centre just under “Listen to the current Wine & Dine Radio Show”)

EU will allow oak chips

Contrary to previous reporting the EU has decided to allow the use of oak chips at a meeting on December 12. The decision was taken on a proposal from the Italians but quite a few

Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a selection of wine and food blogs to keep you busy

New boss for wines at Vin & Sprit V&S

V&S Vin & Sprit AB, the state-owned largest Swedish importer of wines and spirits have appointed a new manager for the business area V&S Wines: Andreas Carlsson. Carlson leaves his job as CEO of Fuijcolor

Domaine Bertrand-Berge, Paziols, Fitou, Languedoc

Fitou – quality in southern Languedoc

Fitou is at the very southern edge of Languedoc, just before it changes to Roussillon. It is a region that has since long tried to keep a high quality profile. This region, basking in sun,

5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727

One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste reminiscent of apples and of an old sherry, according to

Unwins in liquidation

We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a long period of uncertainty. It would be easy to crack

Wine agreement between the EU and the US

The EU commission voted to approve an agreement between the EU and the US on wine trade on December 20. Exactly what the agreement will mean is unclear to us at this moment. It is

Buy or license our pictures

Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print for your own personal use to decorate your wall that

Tune in to Wine

Jacques Orhon is a Frenchman expatriated to Canada working as a sommelier and writer. He has now (once again) shown unexpected talents by launching a

Catalan separatists kills cava sales

Sales, and consumption, are plummeting of cava – Spanish sparkling wine primarily made in Catalonia. Consumers in the rest of Spain are protesting against the

Tell us where you are!

That’s right. We want to know where you are. Just for fun, to know where our readers are located. We have created a Frappr map

Wine and China

– – China invests in wine production and export China is not a big wine producer today (only 4.3% of the world’s wine production) but

Asian Wine Fair in Paris

Wine from 11 Asian countries will be presented at the Asian Wine Fair in Paris on March 6. Apparently it is high season for unusual

Paris vineyards

The winemakers’ association in the Paris region (l’association des Vignerons Franciliens Réunis – VFR) have produced a map showing where you can find all the

Some wine links from BKWine

Some wine sites worth having a look at: Institut Coopératif du Vin – A site for those of you who are very interested in wine

Wine Link Tips

Some wine sites that you might enjoy visiting: Wine Learning Centre: Various wine information and a quite amusing section on how to pronounce wine terminology:

Don’t forget: Go on a wine tour

Just a reminder to you that we have some exciting wine tours lined up this year: Champagne, Chablis & Burgundy in May Bordeaux in June

Where are you?

Oh, and by the way, why don’t you put a pin for you on the Frappr map, just for fun, to show us where in

EU will allow oak chips

Contrary to previous reporting the EU has decided to allow the use of oak chips at a meeting on December 12. The decision was taken

Some Wine and Food Blogs

It is becoming more and more popular to blog. Have you tried? There are both very interesting and, hrrmm, less interesting blogs. Here is a

5,500 euro for a bottle of Hock 1727

One bottle of Rüdesheimer Apostelwein 1727 was recently sold by Christie’s in Amsterdam for more than 5,500€. According to Michael Broadbent it had a taste

Unwins in liquidation

We just learned that Unwins, one of the UK’s leading chains of wine shops (380 shops, 24 employees) has been put in liquidation after a

Buy or license our pictures

Did you know we have thousands of wine pictures available for licensing to professional photo buyers/photo editors/magazines/… Or if you want to buy a print

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