Category: News

BKWine Blog

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming nation, beaten only by France and Italy. Consumption have gone

Wine featured on the cover of Fortune Magazine

The latest issue of Fortune Magazine carries a feature article (and cover photo) on the beneficial effects of wine and Resveratrol against e.g. aging and overweight. “Can red wine help you live forever?”

South Africa has 581 wine cellars

– Some interesting statistics on South Africa : There are 581 wine cellars. (As a comparison, that is about the same number as there is in St Emilion and Pomerol.) Total grape production: 900 million

More luxury Champagne

Champagne is one of the few districts today that has no problems at all to sell its wines. The problem they have is rather to satisfy demand. There is virtually no possibility to increase production.

The world’s largest wine tasting

5095 person participated in what was, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the worlds largest wine tasting. The tasting was held in Aranda del Duero in the Spanish wine region Castilla y Leon and

Danish sommelier-chef-duo wins Sherry prize

Chef Jakob Mielcke Hansen and sommelier Alexander Berntsen, both from the restaurant Jan Hurtigkarl in Denmark won first prize in a recent competition in Jerez, the capital of Sherry, on the best combination of sherry

New Swedish (!) wine shop on Costa del Sol

Jens Nielsen is actually Swedish (even if the name suggests one of the Scandinavian neighbours) but he lives on the Spanish south coast. Going shopping for wine in Marbella he was always disappointed by the

Organic wine fair Millésime Bio attracts more visitors

Millésime Bio, the “organic wine fair” recently held in Narbonne saw visitor numbers grow with 33%. England and Germany were the two foreign countries best represented. World production of wine from land under “agriculture Biologique”

Link Tip

Tannin better than resveratrol for the heart: Scientific American

The world’s best Barbera

Every grape variety has it’s competition it seems and so does Barbera. In 2006 the competition counted 305 entrants, 35 of which cam from outside of Italy. The winner was Paion 2005, Barbera d’Asti Superiore

Wine Fair in Finland

Finland’s biggest wine event is the annual wine fair ViiniExpo. It is open both to professionals and to the general public. This year’s event takes place on March 15-17.

Petition for truth in wine labelling…

“Protect Place” is an initiative created by seven wine regions to promote truthful (geographical) information on wine labels. The regions behind the initiative are Champagne, Jerez (Sherry), Napa Valley, Porto (port wine), Oregon, Walla Walla,

Fitou leaves Languedoc cooperation?

CIVL (Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins Du Languedoc) is a sort of producers cooperation and promotion organisation for the appellations in Languedoc. Fitou is one of the larger appellations in Languedoc but is apparently not happy

Wine for presidents?

In April the French people will elect a new president. The two front runners for the race are Nicolas Sarkozy (conservative) and Segolène Royale (socialist). This has led to an unexpected hausse for the sales

Château Romanin (Provence) sold to Charmolue

Château Romanin is one of the better known properties in Provence, in the appellation Les Baux de Provence. The vineyards cover 58 ha (of a total of 230 ha). Romanin is also known for following

Corsican wine show

– The international wine trade will have a great opportunity to taste and select the best Corsican wines on April 26-27. The “First Corsican International Wine Convention” will welcome buyers from all over the world.

More wine auction news

Top lists seem to be popular this season. Here’s one from Sotheby’s wine auctions. Top auction prices: – 6 bt DRC Romanée Conti 1985: $119,500 – Double magnums Ch Lafite 1865: $111,625 – 12 bt

Jacques and François Lurton separates

– Jacque and François Lurton, sons of the legendary André Lurton (owner of e.g. Chateau La Louvière) have under many years built up a substantial and well respected wine production activity around the globe under

Not only oak barrels

Oak is certainly by very far the most popular wood to use for barrels, but it is not the only. EU has recently approved the mention on wine labels that the wine has been fermented

£775,000 for some bottles of sweet white wine

A unique collection of Chateau d’Yquem (Sauternes, Bordeaux), spanning 150 years, was recently sold at auction by the Antique Wine Company in London. The buyer has wished to remain secret. Almost every vintage back to

Lynch-Bages owner buys Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf

Jean-Michel Cazes, owner of the famous Château Lynch-Bages in Bordeaux, has acquired Domaine des Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Sénéchaux. Sénéchaux has previously been one rather inconspicuous Châteauneuf property, but that will no doubt now change, judging

Chehalem Mountains becomes 15th Oregon AVA

– American Viticultural Areas (AVA) is the US equivalent to the French system of Appellation Contrôlée (although very different). Chehalem Mountains, close to Portland in Oregon, has been approved as the fifteenth AVA in the

About Oak – new guest writer article

People generally think of oak barrels as either French or American. And true, that are the most frequently used wood types. But there is a tendency to more and more use locally sourced oak, for

Unesco creates a chair in wine and culture

Unesco has approved the proposal from the University of Burgundy to create a chair for wine and culture. The first professor holding the chair will be Jocelyne Pérard, previously president of the university. and

Vote for the BKWine Brief Blog

– The site LocalwineEvents have launched a top list of the most popular wine blogs. BKWine Brief Blog is “only” in 53rd place at the moment. We just need a few more votes go move

BKWine Brief #42 out

BKWine Brief #42 is now out. You can find it here. This is how it starts: Decanting the wine… Sounds perhaps old-fashioned or snobbish? But that is a big mistake. The traditional motivation to decant

USA the world’s biggest wine consumer?

According to a recent report from the Wine Market Council, Adams Beverage Group and Merill Research USA is currently the world’s third largest wine consuming

South Africa has 581 wine cellars

– Some interesting statistics on South Africa : There are 581 wine cellars. (As a comparison, that is about the same number as there is

More luxury Champagne

Champagne is one of the few districts today that has no problems at all to sell its wines. The problem they have is rather to

The world’s largest wine tasting

5095 person participated in what was, according to the Guinness Book of Records, the worlds largest wine tasting. The tasting was held in Aranda del

Link Tip

Tannin better than resveratrol for the heart: Scientific American

The world’s best Barbera

Every grape variety has it’s competition it seems and so does Barbera. In 2006 the competition counted 305 entrants, 35 of which cam from outside

Wine Fair in Finland

Finland’s biggest wine event is the annual wine fair ViiniExpo. It is open both to professionals and to the general public. This year’s event takes

Petition for truth in wine labelling…

“Protect Place” is an initiative created by seven wine regions to promote truthful (geographical) information on wine labels. The regions behind the initiative are Champagne,

Fitou leaves Languedoc cooperation?

CIVL (Comité Interprofessionnel des Vins Du Languedoc) is a sort of producers cooperation and promotion organisation for the appellations in Languedoc. Fitou is one of

Wine for presidents?

In April the French people will elect a new president. The two front runners for the race are Nicolas Sarkozy (conservative) and Segolène Royale (socialist).

Corsican wine show

– The international wine trade will have a great opportunity to taste and select the best Corsican wines on April 26-27. The “First Corsican International

More wine auction news

Top lists seem to be popular this season. Here’s one from Sotheby’s wine auctions. Top auction prices: – 6 bt DRC Romanée Conti 1985: $119,500

Jacques and François Lurton separates

– Jacque and François Lurton, sons of the legendary André Lurton (owner of e.g. Chateau La Louvière) have under many years built up a substantial

Not only oak barrels

Oak is certainly by very far the most popular wood to use for barrels, but it is not the only. EU has recently approved the

Lynch-Bages owner buys Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf

Jean-Michel Cazes, owner of the famous Château Lynch-Bages in Bordeaux, has acquired Domaine des Sénéchaux in Châteauneuf-du-Pape. Sénéchaux. Sénéchaux has previously been one rather inconspicuous

Chehalem Mountains becomes 15th Oregon AVA

– American Viticultural Areas (AVA) is the US equivalent to the French system of Appellation Contrôlée (although very different). Chehalem Mountains, close to Portland in

Vote for the BKWine Brief Blog

– The site LocalwineEvents have launched a top list of the most popular wine blogs. BKWine Brief Blog is “only” in 53rd place at the

BKWine Brief #42 out

BKWine Brief #42 is now out. You can find it here. This is how it starts: Decanting the wine… Sounds perhaps old-fashioned or snobbish? But

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