Category: News

BKWine Blog

New president of the INAO

Yves Bernard has been appointed president of INAO, the French control authority for (among other things) wine. Bernard comes from Champagne with a long career at LVMH, who owns several champagne houses, e.g. Moët &

Conference on wine economics in Trier in May

From a press release by the Association of Wine Economists: “The first annual conference of the American Association of Wine Economists will take place in Trier, Mosel (Germany). The conference will be joint with the

World’s best Syrah wines

The first ever competition for pure Syrah wines will be held in Ampuis in the northern Rhône town of Ampuis (home to Côte Rôtie) on May 31 and June 1.

On Provence

Our Finnish readers may be interested to know of a new article on Provence, written by BKWine’s Finnish partner Virpi Sorvisto, on Toisi Sanoen

Wine show for Fenouillèdes wines

The small Fenouillèdes appellation in the southern French region of Roussillon is not very well known but they seem to be very dynamic and taking lots of initiatives to make it better known (perhaps simplifying

Competition in grape growing and wine production

The American wine university UC Davies organises on August 8-10 a conference on the theme ”Competitive Forces Affecting the Wine and Winegrape Industries”. Call for papers: Authors are encourage to submit essays for the conference.

No more Brunello?

In an article in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera a journalist speculates if the future is sombre for Brunello wines. Researchers at the university in Florence have concluded that the climatic changes may make

Founder of Gallo dies

Ernest Gallo died on March 6 in California. Enest Gallo founded together with his brother Julio E&J Gallo winery in 1933. Today it is the world’s largest wine producer. (Constellation Brands actually produces more wine

Less fat mice…

Researchers who have done trials on mice have discovered that consumption of red wine may make fat mice less fat. Perhaps it may work on humans too… Watch the video interview with the researchers on

Schug Estate vines

Irrigation officially allowed in France

A new decree on December 6, 2006 officially and more permanently allows irrigation in French vineyards. Irrigating the vineyards can be allowed until August 15. It will even be possible to irrigate appellation contrôlée wines

French wine export up

It’s nice to report some positive numbers for a change. French wine export grew by 13% in 2006. Exports to the USA, the biggest export market, increased by 22% to a total of 2.4 billion

St Emilion chateaux question the new classification

Rapidly on the heels of the Cru Bourgeois debacle three estates in Saint Emilion have put in question the new St Emilion classification. Chateaux Villemaurine, Cadet Bon and Guadet-Saint-Julien have joined to argue the case

FBI hunts fake wines at auction

FBI has contacted both wine collectors and leading auction houses in a hunt for fraudsters who are selling fakes of exclusive wine bottles. The auction houses are thought to be one of the outlets for

New Michelin stars

This year’s edition of the Michelin Guide, or Le Guide Rouge as it is also called, introduces several new stars. Five restaurants were promoted to the top three star category: Le Meurice (Paris), L’Astrance (Paris),

Antonin Rodet buys Maison Dufouleur

Antonin, a big négociant in Bourgogne, has bought Maison Dufouleur Père & Fils. Dufouleur is both a négociant and owns 10.5 hectares of vineyards. The company has belonged to the same family for more than

The big vodka battle?

What is vodka? What do you think? Vote in the poll below. There is a debate currently on which rules should regulate vodka production within the EU, in particular what vodka should be made from.

Wine Tours

  Wine Tours June 6-10: Bordeaux For a wine lover a trip to Bordeaux is a must! Here you find world famous châteaux and world famous wines but also a lot of new exciting initiatives

BKWine Brief #44, March 2007

It’s nice to find a wine article in the daily press that is a bit more thoughtful, and thought provoking, then the regular “drink this or drink that” stuff. I recently chanced upon one of

Some More Reading Perhaps? – Decanter Magazine

We’re starting an occasional series on wine magazines – recommended reading for those of you who want to know and read more. First out is… Decanter Magazine Decanter is no doubt competing with Wine Spectator

Moueix buys share in Belair

The Moueix family has acquired 31% of Château Belair. Moueix is best known for being the owner of Château Petrus. Chateau Belair is owned by Pascal Delbeck, a very ambitious winemaker who at a very

Life is being a chef…

One of the hottest segments in the internet industry today is “social software”. It covers anything from the teenage virtual world of MySpace to professional networks such as LinkedIn. If you’re in the restaurant trade

Strong result for V&S Vin & Sprit in 2006

– V&S Vin & Sprit, the international spirit producer and wine importer owned by the Swedish government, published strong numbers for last year: Operating profits up by 10% to SEK 2.2 bn, and net sales

Journal of Wine Economics

The new and scientifically orientated Journal of Wine Economics has published its second issue. There you can read about: “Growers vs. Merchants Bargaining on the Price of Champagne Grapes and the Role of Contracts when

Wine contributes $813 million to North Carolina

In our series on unusual American wine producer the turn this month has come to North Carolina. There are 55 wineries today, three times more than in 2000. The acreage under vine has doubled during

New president of the INAO

Yves Bernard has been appointed president of INAO, the French control authority for (among other things) wine. Bernard comes from Champagne with a long career

World’s best Syrah wines

The first ever competition for pure Syrah wines will be held in Ampuis in the northern Rhône town of Ampuis (home to Côte Rôtie) on

On Provence

Our Finnish readers may be interested to know of a new article on Provence, written by BKWine’s Finnish partner Virpi Sorvisto, on Toisi Sanoen

Wine show for Fenouillèdes wines

The small Fenouillèdes appellation in the southern French region of Roussillon is not very well known but they seem to be very dynamic and taking

No more Brunello?

In an article in the Italian newspaper Corriere della Sera a journalist speculates if the future is sombre for Brunello wines. Researchers at the university

Founder of Gallo dies

Ernest Gallo died on March 6 in California. Enest Gallo founded together with his brother Julio E&J Gallo winery in 1933. Today it is the

Less fat mice…

Researchers who have done trials on mice have discovered that consumption of red wine may make fat mice less fat. Perhaps it may work on

Schug Estate vines

Irrigation officially allowed in France

A new decree on December 6, 2006 officially and more permanently allows irrigation in French vineyards. Irrigating the vineyards can be allowed until August 15.

French wine export up

It’s nice to report some positive numbers for a change. French wine export grew by 13% in 2006. Exports to the USA, the biggest export

FBI hunts fake wines at auction

FBI has contacted both wine collectors and leading auction houses in a hunt for fraudsters who are selling fakes of exclusive wine bottles. The auction

New Michelin stars

This year’s edition of the Michelin Guide, or Le Guide Rouge as it is also called, introduces several new stars. Five restaurants were promoted to

Antonin Rodet buys Maison Dufouleur

Antonin, a big négociant in Bourgogne, has bought Maison Dufouleur Père & Fils. Dufouleur is both a négociant and owns 10.5 hectares of vineyards. The

The big vodka battle?

What is vodka? What do you think? Vote in the poll below. There is a debate currently on which rules should regulate vodka production within

Wine Tours

  Wine Tours June 6-10: Bordeaux For a wine lover a trip to Bordeaux is a must! Here you find world famous châteaux and world

BKWine Brief #44, March 2007

It’s nice to find a wine article in the daily press that is a bit more thoughtful, and thought provoking, then the regular “drink this

Moueix buys share in Belair

The Moueix family has acquired 31% of Château Belair. Moueix is best known for being the owner of Château Petrus. Chateau Belair is owned by

Life is being a chef…

One of the hottest segments in the internet industry today is “social software”. It covers anything from the teenage virtual world of MySpace to professional

Strong result for V&S Vin & Sprit in 2006

– V&S Vin & Sprit, the international spirit producer and wine importer owned by the Swedish government, published strong numbers for last year: Operating profits

Journal of Wine Economics

The new and scientifically orientated Journal of Wine Economics has published its second issue. There you can read about: “Growers vs. Merchants Bargaining on the

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